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6 Common Causes of Crime That We Should Be Aware Of

A society is defined as a group of people who establish relationship with one another while performing their own roles based on their work and status in life. In a particular society, a person tries to get involved with the people around them regardless of culture, language, work or lifestyle. Society plays an important role in the upbringing of a person especially among the youth. But then, it is noticeable that in different societies, crimes are committed and thus instill fear in the hearts of many.


Theft, burglary and murder are only some of the crimes that are rampant in our society. Even inside the homes where we should be safe, crimes still happen. Burglars enter our homes, steal of valuable possessions and in some instances, harm one of the family members. This can truly be frightening that's why many of us install security or burglar alarms.

Installing alarms is a good idea but there's no stopping a criminal from harming you if he really wants to. So, let's discuss some common causes a person commits crime so we can be aware of them and know how to help improve our society. Below are the common causes of crime.

1.) Lack of proper education and judgment
Some people who lack education commit a crime because they are not taught by teachers the proper manners and good values that they should have. They tend to have poor judgment and cannot distinguish right from wrong because they are not properly guided in school.

2.) Poverty
This is sometimes the lame excuse of criminals. Poverty can at some point be one factor that can trigger criminals to commit a crime but the society should also be blamed for this because criminals are tempted to get the material things that they see around while other offenders really need money and food so they resorted to theft or robbery.

Crime Scene

3.) Lack of parental supervision
Statistics can prove that many offenders particularly young people lack supervision by parents. Some are fatherless or motherless while others are abandoned by their parents or in the care of a relative who care less in the way they should be brought up. Some parents are also too busy working so they neglect their child and spend no time in teaching them good deeds.

4.) Influence of media and environment
The movies and shows we see on tv, watch on video or easily access on the internet can truly influence on the way a person thinks. Young people who have seen violent movies or brutal acts on TV may think that being violent is acceptable. There are also shows that imply revenge which make some people think that they should get revenge to those who have hurt them. Even the environment where a person lives has a high impact on his upbringing and if crimes is rampant on their place then most likely he/she will also adapt it and do the same crime.

5.) Lack of Love
Studies show that many offenders are those that feel neglected by their families. They fell unloved by their parents or siblings thus they attempt to be accepted by the outside world. Some of them unfortunately meet bad people and join gangs because they feel a sense of belonging. They are influenced then by the gang and believe that they should join their peers in committing unlawful deeds.


6.) Drug and Alcohol Abuse
Some crimes are committed because a person needs money to buy drugs in which they are now addicted to. They resort to stealing money just so they can buy the drugs they want. Crimes are also committed because those who are drug addicts or under the influence of alcohol can no longer think clearly and cannot distinguish bad from good thus they commit murder or other crimes.

With everything being said above we still have to take in account how important having the father in the household is. We just cannot ignore this fact!

As a parent we can do our part in avoiding more crimes from happening by educating our children on proper conduct and guiding them to the right path. As part of this society, let us join organizations that help the youth be educated and keep them away from bad influences and if we have extra income, we can give to charities/donate to our less fortunate brothers and sisters. Let's do our part in making our society peaceful and crime-free.

Do you want to check someone's background to see if he/she has criminal records. You can now check someone's background online. 

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